Why GAMBLR.viz?

GAMBLR.viz is an open-source portable R library.

If you dream of generating oncoplot with great flexibility of annotations but don’t have enough time or skill to look at ComplexHeatmap, need to have a simple function to look at hypermutated regions from birds-eye view or under microscope but don’t know how to approach this, or if you find yourself always struggling to adjusting your code for simple comparison of mutation frequency between two groups, GAMBLR.viz is for you.

GAMBLR stands for Genomic Analysis of Mature B-cell Lymphomas in R, and is part of the family of R packages for lymphoma cancer research developed in the Morin Lab at the Simon Fraser University.

GAMBLR family

GAMBLR.viz is part of a larger family of R tools for the analysis of lymphoma genomic data.

It is designed to provide simple and straightfoward ways to visualize genomic data and works well with other tools in the GAMBLR family. We continue to develop more visualization tools, as well as improve their functionality.

For more details, please refer to the GAMBLR family section.

Local experience

The functions provided with GAMBLR.viz, including all dependencies, are immediately available upon package installation and do not require internet connection or ssh access to GSC resources. It can run anywhere that R is available without restrictions and limitations.

Use cases

You can use GAMBLR.viz at any step of your lymphoma data analysis workflow, from initial data exploration to preparation of manuscript-ready figures.

GAMBLR.viz helps with:

  • generate manuscript-ready plots in a simple and reproducible manner.
  • one-stop shop to generate high-level or region-specific visualizations for genomic data analysis.
  • implement consistent coloring scheme and pallettes for different types of annotations.
  • overcome learning curve using individual packages commonly implemented in the data visualization field.

For more details, please refer to the tutorials section.


Community discussions primarily happen through issue submission on GitHub.

Getting started

If you’re interested in trying GAMBLR.viz we recommend the getting started tutorial.

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