# Load packages
Tutorial: The prettiest forestplot
One of the integral parts of this package is the analysis and display of the differences in the frequency of mutations for two different groups in a given cohort. Because it is easy to use, conducts flexible comparisons, and generates easy-to-follow display items, it is called prettyForestPlot
and it belongs to the pretty
family of GAMBLR.viz functions. There is no specific formatting or data preparation needed for the analysis and visualization, and the only required inputs are the mutation data (can be maf format or binary feature matrix), metadata (containing sample identifiers in sample_id
column and annotation of the group that will be used in comparison), and a character of the column name in metadata where the sample annotations are specified. This tutorial will demonstate the example of the inputs and showcase the main features of this function.
Prepare setup
We will first import the necessary packages:
Next, we will get some data to display. The metadata is expected to be a data frame with one required column: sample_id
and another column that will contain sample annotations according to the comparison group. In this example, we will use as example the data set and variant calls from the study that identified genetic subgroup of Burkitt lymphoma (BL).
<- get_gambl_metadata() %>%
metadata filter(cohort == "BL_Thomas")
Next, we will obtain the coding mutations that will be used in the plotting. The data is a data frame in a standartized maf format.
<- get_ssm_by_samples(
maf these_samples_metadata = metadata,
tool_name = "publication",
projection = "hg38"
# How does it look like?
[1] 47043 49
head(maf) %>%
Variant_Classification )
genomic_data Object
Genome Build: hg38
Showing first 10 rows:
Tumor_Sample_Barcode Hugo_Symbol Variant_Classification
1 Akata CPTP Missense_Mutation
2 Akata FNDC10 Missense_Mutation
3 Akata MORN1 Missense_Mutation
4 Akata MEGF6 Missense_Mutation
5 Akata NPHP4 Silent
6 Akata GPR157 Missense_Mutation
For the purpose of this tutorial, we will focus on a small subset of genes known to be significantly mutated in BL.
<- lymphoma_genes_bl_v_latest$Gene
genes head(genes)
[1] "ARID1A" "BACH2" "BCL6" "BCL7A" "BMP7" "CCND3"
Now we have our metadata and mutations we want to explore, so we are ready to start visualizing the data.
The default forest plot
The forest plot is ready to be called with the default parameters after just providing the metadata and data frame with mutations in standard maf format. Here is an example of the output with all default parameters:
<- "EBV_status_inf" # character of column name for comparison
comparison_column <- prettyForestPlot(
fp metadata = metadata,
maf = maf,
genes = genes,
comparison_column = comparison_column
The output of the function is a list containing the following objects: - fisher
: a data frame with detailed statistics of the Fisher’s test for each gene - mutmat
: a binary matrix used for the Fisher’s test - forest
: a ggplot2 object with the forest plot of the ORs from the Fisher’s test for each gene - bar
: a ggplot2 object wiht mutation frequencies for each Gene - arranged
: a display item where both the forest and bar plots are nicely arranged side-by-side
[1] "fisher" "forest" "bar" "arranged" "mutmat"
Report only significant differences
By default, all of the genes of interest are reported in the output. After the Fisher’s test is performed, the prettyForestPlot
also calculates FDR and we can use it to only report significant differences by providing a significance cutoff with the parameter max_q
<- 0.1 # only those qith Q value <= 0.1 will be reported
max_q <- prettyForestPlot(
fp metadata = metadata,
maf = maf,
genes = genes,
comparison_column = comparison_column,
max_q = max_q
We now can take a look at what genes are passing the significance cutoff:
$arranged fp
Comparing categories with more than two groups
As the prettyForestPlot
construcst the 2x2 contingency tables to run Fisher’s test to find significant differences, it can only operate on comparing 2 groups between themselves - but what if you have more than that and want to see the difference between some of them? To handle this scenario, we can take advantage of the comparison_values
parameter, which will be used to subset the metadata to only requested groups and only perform testing and plotting on this subset. Let’s see it in action:
<- "genetic_subgroup" # change the comparison column
comparison_column <- c("IC-BL", "Q53-BL")
comparison_values <- prettyForestPlot(
fp metadata = metadata,
maf = maf,
genes = genes,
comparison_column = comparison_column,
comparison_values = comparison_values,
max_q = max_q
$arranged fp
This plot is exactly reproducing the Supplemmental Figure 12D from the Thomas et al study!
Separating genes with hotspots
We can additionally separate hotspots from the other mutations and compare those separately. First, we need to annotate the maf data, for which we will use the annotate_hotspots
from GAMBLR family. This function will add a new column to the maf named hot_spot
indicating whether or not the specific mutation is in the hotspot region.
# Annotate hotspots
<- annotate_hotspots(maf)
# What are the hotspots?
maf filter(hot_spot) %>%
select(Hugo_Symbol, hot_spot) %>%
< table of extent 0 x 0 >
The GAMBLR.data version of the annotate_hotspots
only handles very specific genes and does not have functionality to annotate all hotspots.
Oh no! Looks like there is no hotspots in this maf data. This does not make sense, so what happened? Aha, the hotspot annotation in GAMBLR.data works only on the data in grch37 projection. But our maf is in hg38, so what should we do? One way is to lift the maf data to another projection using the UCSC’s liftOver, and GAMBLR family has exactly the function that serves this purpose:
<- liftover(
maf,mode = "maf",
target_build = "grch37"
) mutate(Chromosome = gsub("chr", "", Chromosome)) %>%
select(-hot_spot) # since it is empty we can just drop it
Can we annotate the hotspots now?
<- annotate_hotspots(maf_grch37)
# What are the hotspots?
maf_grch37 filter(hot_spot) %>%
select(Hugo_Symbol, hot_spot) %>%
Hugo_Symbol TRUE
EZH2 1
FOXO1 60
MYD88 2
Indeed, the hotspots are properly annotated once we have maf in correct projection. Now, we can simply toggle the separate_hotspots
parameter to perform separate comparisons within hotspots:
<- "EBV_status_inf"
comparison_column <- prettyForestPlot(
fp metadata = metadata,
maf = maf_grch37,
genes = genes,
comparison_column = comparison_column,
max_q = max_q,
separate_hotspots = TRUE
$arranged fp
Using binary matrix as input
Sometimes it might be useful to have different input format instead of maf - for example, binary matrix of features. Can we use the prettyForestPlot
in this case? Yes, sure we can!
First, let’s construct the binary matrix. We will supplement our maf with the non-coding mutations to look at the aSHM regions in addition to coding mutations, and this will already give us the data in correct projection:
<- get_ssm_by_samples(
maf these_samples_metadata = metadata
)$Variant_Classification %>% table maf
3'Flank 3'UTR 5'Flank
1457 513 2957
5'UTR Frame_Shift_Del Frame_Shift_Ins
1102 124 97
IGR In_Frame_Del In_Frame_Ins
457 40 14
Intron Missense_Mutation Nonsense_Mutation
44397 1859 286
Nonstop_Mutation RNA Silent
6 74 481
Splice_Region Splice_Site Translation_Start_Site
148 114 22
Now we convert this maf into binary matrix:
# Generate binary matrix
<- get_coding_ssm_status(
coding_matrix these_samples_metadata = metadata,
maf_data = maf,
gene_symbols = genes,
include_hotspots = TRUE,
review_hotspots = TRUE
Next, supplement this with the matrix of non-coding mutation across aSHM regions
# We'll use the aSHM regions defined in GAMBLR.data
# Let our helper function massage it into a consistent format
= create_bed_data(somatic_hypermutation_locations_GRCh37_v0.2,
regions_bed fix_names="concat",
# Generate matrix of mutations per each site
<- get_ashm_count_matrix(
ashm_matrix regions_bed = regions_bed,
these_samples_metadata = metadata
# Binarize matrix using arbitrary 3 muts/region cutoff
<= 3] = 0
ashm_matrix[ashm_matrix > 3] = 1
ashm_matrix[ashm_matrix <- ashm_matrix %>%
ashm_matrix rownames_to_column("sample_id")
We can now combine both coding and non-coding features into single matrix:
<- left_join(
# Drop any fearures absent across at least 10 samples to clean any noise
<- feature_matrix %>%
feature_matrix select_if(is.numeric) %>%
select(where(~ sum(. > 0, na.rm = TRUE) >= 10)) %>%
%>% select(sample_id),
. )
Now we can provide the binary matrix to the prettyForestPlot
and regenerate the Supplemmental Figure 12C from the Thomas et al study!
<- "genetic_subgroup"
comparison_column <- c("DGG-BL", "Q53-BL")
comparison_values <- prettyForestPlot(
fp metadata = metadata,
mutmat = feature_matrix,
genes = genes,
comparison_column = comparison_column,
comparison_values = comparison_values,
max_q = max_q
$arranged fp