Genomic Analysis of Mature B-cell Lymphomas

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The Morin laboratory is performing a meta-analysis of whole genome sequencing (WGS) and gene expression (RNA-seq) data from B-cell lymphomas using in-house and published data sets. Our analysis will explore copy number (CNV), simple somatic mutation (SSM) and structural variation (SV) patterns within and across common mature B-cell neoplasms spanning Burkitt lymphoma, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma, follicular lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. We will compare the prevalence of coding and non-coding driver mutations, recurrent CNVs and SVs (including gene fusions) across this spectrum of cancers. We will specifically focus on SVs involving oncogenes and both immunoglobulin and non-IG partners as well as the relationship between class switch recombination and each malignancy. Our analysis will include the comparison of SSM patterns in non-coding regions affected by aberrant somatic hypermutation (aSHM). We will use mutational signatures to infer mutational processes that contribute to SSMs in each cancer type. We will search for associations between these variables and age, EBV status and molecular subgroups. We will also analyze the available (matched) RNA-seq data for cis-regulatory alterations such as examples of allelic imbalance and mutations that affect splicing.

GAMBL presentations

Novel Genetic Subgroups Inform on Shared Pathobiology within Adult and Pediatric Burkitt Lymphoma

Constrained FL: A Genetically Distinct Subgroup of Follicular Lymphoma with Low Rates of Somatic Hypermutation and a Reduced Propensity for Histologic Transformation

An Open-Source Toolkit That Powers the Genome-Wide Analysis of Mature B-Cell Lymphomas (GAMBL) Project

Complex Structural Variation Associated with Enhancer Hijacking and Loss of Tumor Suppressors in Mantle Cell Lymphoma

Summary of genomes by pathology

Simple Somatic Mutation (SSM) Load

Structural Variant (SV) Breakpoint Load