Efficiently retrieve all mutations across a range of genomic regions.
streamlined = TRUE,
maf_data = maf_data,
use_name_column = FALSE,
from_indexed_flatfile = TRUE,
mode = "slms-3",
augmented = TRUE,
seq_type = "genome",
projection = "grch37",
min_read_support = 4,
basic_columns = FALSE
Either provide a vector of regions in the chr:start-end format OR.
Better yet, provide a bed file with the coordinates you want to retrieve.
Return a basic rather than full MAF format, default is TRUE.
Use an already loaded MAF data frame.
If your bed-format data frame has a name column (must be named "name") these can be used to name your regions.
Set to TRUE to avoid using the database and instead rely on flatfiles (only works for streamlined data, not full MAF details).
Only works with indexed flatfiles. Accepts 2 options of "slms-3" and "strelka2" to indicate which variant caller to use. Default is "slms-3".
default: TRUE. Set to FALSE if you instead want the original MAF from each sample for multi-sample patients instead of the augmented MAF
The seq_type you want back, default is genome.
Obtain variants projected to this reference (one of grch37 or hg38).
Only returns variants with at least this many reads in t_alt_count (for cleaning up augmented MAFs).
Boolean parameter set to FALSE per default. Set to TRUE to return fewer columns.
Returns a data frame of variants in MAF-like format.
This function internally calls get_ssm_by_region to retrieve SSM calls for the specified regions. See parameter descriptions for get_ssm_by_region for more information on how the different parameters can be called. Is this function not what you are looking for? Try one of the following, similar, functions; get_coding_ssm, get_coding_ssm_status, get_ssm_by_patients, get_ssm_by_sample, get_ssm_by_samples, get_ssm_by_region
#basic usage, adding custom names from bundled ashm data frame
regions_bed = dplyr::mutate(grch37_ashm_regions, name = paste(gene, region, sep = "_"))
#> Error in dplyr::mutate(grch37_ashm_regions, name = paste(gene, region, sep = "_")): object 'grch37_ashm_regions' not found
ashm_basic_details = get_ssm_by_regions(regions_bed = regions_bed)
#> Error in apply(regions_bed, 1, bed2region): object 'regions_bed' not found
full_details_maf = get_ssm_by_regions(regions_bed = regions_bed,
#> Error in apply(regions_bed, 1, bed2region): object 'regions_bed' not found