Return coordinates for a given gene or a set of genes.
genome_build = "grch37",
return_as = "region"
A vector of one or more gene symbols.
A vector of one or more Ensembl IDs.
Reference genome build, default is grch37.
Specify the type of return. Default is region (chr:start-end), other acceptable arguments are "bed" and "df".
A data frame, or a string with region(s) for the provided gene(s).
This function takes one or multiple gene names, either as hugo symbols or Ensembl IDs
and returns the coordinates for the selected genes in multiple formats (return_as
The possible return formats are; bed, data frame and in "region" format (chr:start-end).
For returning genes residing in specific regions, see region_to_gene.
bcl2_region = gene_to_region(gene_symbol = "BCL2",
genome_build = "grch37")
#> 1 region(s) returned for 1 gene(s)
bcl2_region = gene_to_region(ensembl_id = "ENSG00000171791",
genome_build = "grch37")
#> 1 region(s) returned for 1 gene(s)