Generate a bar plot visualizing total variant (SSM or SVs) count for selected contigs.

  maf_path = NULL,
  ssm = TRUE,
  projection = "grch37",
  this_seq_type = "genome",
  min_vaf = 0,
  variant_type_col = 10,
  chromosome_col = 5,
  plot_title = paste0(this_sample_id),
  plot_subtitle = "Variant Count For Selected Contigs",
  chr_select = paste0("chr", c(1:22)),
  variant_select = c("DEL", "INS", "DUP"),
  snp_colours = c(SNP = "#2B9971", DNP = "#993F2B", TNP = "#A62656"),
  hide_legend = FALSE,
  coding_only = FALSE,
  log10_y = FALSE,
  from_flatfile = TRUE,
  use_augmented_maf = TRUE



Sample to be plotted.


Optional parameter with maf like df already loaded into R.


Optional parameter with path to external maf like file.


Set to FALSE to get plotting data from get_combined_sv (SVs). Default value is TRUE (plots SSM retrieved from annotate_cn_by_ssm$maf).


Genome build for returned variants (only applicable for ssm = FALSE).


Seq type for returned CN segments. One of "genome" (default) or "capture".


The minimum tumour VAF for a SV to be returned. Recommended: 0 (only applicable for ssm = FALSE).


Index of column holding Variant Type (to be used with either maf_data or maf_path).


Index of column holding Chromosome (to be used with either maf_data or maf_path).


Title of plot (default to sample ID).


Subtitle for created plot.


vector of chromosomes to be included in plot, defaults to autosomes.


Subtypes of SVs to be included in plot, default is DEL, INS and DUP.


Optional vector with colours for SNPs (DNP and TNP).


Set to True to remove legend from plot, default is FALSE.


Optional. Set to TRUE to restrict to plotting only coding mutations.


Set to TRUE to force y axis to be in log10.


If set to true the function will use flat files instead of the database.


Boolean statement if to use augmented maf, default is TRUE.


A plot as a ggplot object (grob).


This function creates a barplot showing the total number of variants for a selected sample. Convenience parameters for restricting the returned plot are available. For example, with ssm (Boolean) you can toggle if the plot will be in respect to SSM (ssm = TRUE) or if you wish to count SVs (ssm = FALSE). In addition, this plot can also accept a variety of incoming data types. Either, you supply the function with a sample ID (this_sample_id) and the function will retrieve data using assign_cn_to_ssm or get_combined_sv (depending on how the ssm parameter is used). This function also supports a maf or maf-like data frame directly, this is done with maf_data or maf_path. If data is supplied with either of these parameters, the user can specify what column holds the variant type information as well as chromosome information (variant_type_col and chromosome_col). Restricting the plot to coding mutations is done with coding_only = TRUE. Flat-file and augmented maf options can be toggled with from_flatfile and use_augmented_maf. Both are TRUE by default and should rarely be set to FALSE. Lastly, this plotting function also have convenient parameters for customizing the returned plot, e.g plot_title, y_interval, hide_legend, andplot_subtitle and snp_colours. lastly, it is also possible to control what variants are to be counted with variant_select. Default is deletions, insertions and duplications, c("DEL", "DUP", "INS"). Not that the variant types specified in this parameter must match with whatever is present in the corresponding variant_type_col.


#count all variants for one sample (default parameters)
fancy_v_count(this_sample_id = "HTMCP-01-06-00422-01A-01D")
#> trying to find output from: battenberg
#> looking for flatfile: /projects/nhl_meta_analysis_scratch/gambl/results_local/gambl/battenberg_current/99-outputs/seg/genome--projection/HTMCP-01-06-00422-01A-01D--HTMCP-01-06-00422-10A-01D--matched.battenberg.grch37.seg

#count and plot all variants on chromosome 1
fancy_v_count(this_sample_id = "HTMCP-01-06-00422-01A-01D",
              chr_select = c("chr1"))
#> trying to find output from: battenberg
#> looking for flatfile: /projects/nhl_meta_analysis_scratch/gambl/results_local/gambl/battenberg_current/99-outputs/seg/genome--projection/HTMCP-01-06-00422-01A-01D--HTMCP-01-06-00422-10A-01D--matched.battenberg.grch37.seg