Generate plot visualizing SV sizes. Subset on variant type, filter on VAF, size etc.

  maf_path = NULL,
  chrom_a_col = 3,
  start_a_col = 4,
  end_a_col = 5,
  variant_type_col = 9,
  vaf_cutoff = 0,
  size_cutoff = 50,
  adjust_value = 1,
  trim = FALSE,
  hide_legend = FALSE,
  chr_select = paste0("chr", c(1:22)),
  plot_title = paste0(this_sample_id),
  plot_subtitle =
    paste0("SV sizes for Manta calls. Dashed line annotates mean variant size.\nVAF cut off: ",
    vaf_cutoff, ", SV size cut off: ", size_cutoff),
  projection = "grch37"



Sample to be plotted.


Optional parameter with copy number df already loaded into R.


Optional parameter with path to external cn file.


Index of column holding chromosome (to be used with either maf_data or maf_path).


Index of column holding start coordinates (to be used with either maf_data or maf_path).


Index of column holding end coordinates (to be used with either maf_data or maf_path).


Index of column holding variant type information (to be used with either maf_data or maf_path).


Threshold for filtering variants on VAF (events with a VAF > cutoff will be retained).


Threshold for filtering variants on size, default is 50bp.


A multiplicate bandwidth adjustment. This makes it possible to adjust the bandwidth while still using the bandwidth estimator. For example, adjust = 1/2 means use half of the default bandwidth.


If FALSE, the default, each density is computed on the full range of the data.


Set to True to remove legend from plot, default is FALSE.


Optional argument for subsetting on selected chromosomes, default is all autosomes.


Title of plot (default to sample ID).


Subtitle for created plot.


Genomic projection for SVs and circos plot. Accepted values are grch37 and hg38.


A plot as a ggplot object (grob).


Plot sample-level SV sizes across selected chromosomes. This function also has a variety of filtering parameters available. For example, it is possible to subset the included variants to a specific VAF threshold with VAF_cutoff. The size_cutoff is another parameter for filtering the variants on set variant sizes, the default for this parameter is to only include variants of at least 50bp. This function takes either a sample ID (this_sample_id) or an already loaded data frame (maf_data or a path to a maf-like file with maf_path). If this_sample_id is called, the function will run get_combined_sv to retrieve SV calls. If either of the maf parameters are used, note that it's possible to specify the columns of interest; (chrom_a_col, start_a_col, end_a_col and variant_type_col), allowing this function to work with any maf-like data frames. This function also allows the user to customize the returned plot. For more info on how to do this, please refer to the aesthetic parameters; hide_legend, plot_title, plot_subtitle, adjust_value and trim.


#build plot sith default parameters
fancy_sv_sizedens(this_sample_id = "HTMCP-01-06-00422-01A-01D")
#> Warning: number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 3)

#restrict plot to only chromosome 1 and 2
fancy_sv_sizedens(this_sample_id = "HTMCP-01-06-00422-01A-01D",
                  size_cutoff = 0,
                  chr_select = c("chr1", "chr2"))
#> Warning: number of columns of result is not a multiple of vector length (arg 3)