Generates a colourful multi-panel overview of hypermutation in regions of interest across many samples.

  classification_column = "lymphgen",
  verbose = TRUE



Bed file with chromosome coordinates, should contain columns chr, start, end, name (with these exact names).


Optional vector of names from default regions_bed to use.


Optional argument for excluding specific classifications from a metadeta file.


A metadata file already subsetted and arranged on the order you want the samples vertically displayed.


the seqtype you want results back for if maf_data is not provided.


Provide named vector (or named list of vectors) containing custom annotation colours if you do not want to use standartized pallette.


Optional. Override default column for assigning the labels used for colouring in the figure.


An already loaded maf, if no provided, this function will call get_ssm_by_region, using the regions supplied into regions_bed.


Set to FALSE to rpevent printing the full regions bed file to the console. Default is TRUE.




The input for this function is a bed-file with the following columns; chr, start, end, name. Note that for this function to work, the column names must be exactly this. The user also needs to specify a vector of names (regions_to_display) to further control what regions are to be displayed on the returned plot. It is also possible to exclude specific classifications from the metadata file. This is achieved with exclude_classifications. In addition the user can also use the metadata parameter to use an already subset and arranged metadata table. This function will call get_ssm_by_region if maf_data is not called. For more info, refer to the parameter descriptions of this function.


#get lymphgen colours
lymphgen_colours = get_gambl_colours(classification = "lymphgen")

#build plot
ashm_multi_rainbow_plot(regions_to_display = c("BCL2-TSS",
                        custom_colours = lymphgen_colours,
                        seq_type = "genome")
#>     chr_name hg19_start  hg19_end     gene            region
#> 1       chr1    6661482   6662702   KLHL21               TSS
#> 2       chr1   23885584  23885835      ID3               TSS
#> 3       chr1  150550814 150552135     MCL1          intronic
#> 4       chr1  203274698 203275778     BTG2          intronic
#> 5       chr1  226864857 226873452    ITPKB          intronic
#> 6       chr1  226920563 226927885    ITPKB               TSS
#> 7       chr1  226921088 226927982    ITPKB          intron-1
#> 8       chr2   60773789  60783486   BCL11A               TSS
#> 9       chr2   96808901  96811913    DUSP2          intron-1
#> 10      chr2  111874854 111882174  BCL2L11               TSS
#> 11      chr2  136874728 136875461    CXCR4          intronic
#> 12      chr3   16546433  16556786    RFTN1               TSS
#> 13      chr3   32020518  32024930  OSBPL10             TSS-1
#> 14      chr3   71104986  71119518    FOXP1             TSS-4
#> 15      chr3   71176427  71180960    FOXP1             TSS-3
#> 16      chr3   71350633  71357665    FOXP1             TSS-2
#> 17      chr3   71503103  71504870    FOXP1         intron-1b
#> 18      chr3   71550753  71551478    FOXP1         intron-1a
#> 19      chr3   71626341  71635648    FOXP1             TSS-1
#> 20      chr3  101546669 101547704   NFKBIZ             TSS-1
#> 21      chr3  101568239 101569274   NFKBIZ             TSS-2
#> 22      chr3  183269360 183274139    KLHL6               TSS
#> 23      chr3  186739628 186740875  ST6GAL1             TSS-1
#> 24      chr3  186782522 186784438  ST6GAL1        intronic-1
#> 25      chr3  187458526 187464632     BCL6               TSS
#> 26      chr3  187771678 187801626      LPP             TSS-1
#> 27      chr3  187801627 187813568      LPP             TSS-2
#> 28      chr3  187813569 187955254      LPP             TSS-3
#> 29      chr3  187955255 187969220      LPP             TSS-4
#> 30      chr3  188377178 188401951      LPP        intronic-1
#> 31      chr3  188401952 188461879      LPP        intronic-2
#> 32      chr3  188461880 188474683      LPP        intronic-3
#> 33      chr3  188474684 188491248      LPP        intronic-4
#> 34      chr4   40193105  40204231     RHOH               TSS
#> 35      chr5   88131209  88174373    MEF2C             TSS-3
#> 36      chr5   88174374  88182243    MEF2C             TSS-2
#> 37      chr5   88182244  88206620    MEF2C             TSS-1
#> 38      chr5  131823933 131826458     IRF1               TSS
#> 39      chr5  149790977 149792349     CD74               TSS
#> 40      chr5  158500476 158532769     EBF1               TSS
#> 41      chr6     390572    394093     IRF4               TSS
#> 42      chr6   14118026  14120025     CD83               TSS
#> 43      chr6   31548325  31550717      LTB          intron-1
#> 44      chr6   37138104  37139804     PIM1               TSS
#> 45      chr6   90981034  91016134    BACH2               TSS
#> 46      chr6  134487960 134499859     SGK1             TSS-1
#> 47      chr6  159237903 159240216      EZR               TSS
#> 48      chr7    5568297   5570856     ACTB               TSS
#> 49      chr8   11347723  11355318      BLK               TSS
#> 50      chr8  128748352 128749427      MYC               TSS
#> 51      chr9   37023396  37027663     PAX5          intron-1
#> 52      chr9   37029849  37037154     PAX5             TSS-1
#> 53      chr9   37192080  37207549   ZCCHC7          intron-4
#> 54      chr9   37275952  37306152   ZCCHC7          intron-2
#> 55      chr9   37312655  37328260   ZCCHC7          intron-3
#> 56      chr9   37329706  37340398   ZCCHC7          intron-1
#> 57      chr9   37369209  37372160     PAX5 distal-enhancer-1
#> 58      chr9   37382267  37385854     PAX5 distal-enhancer-2
#> 59      chr9   37395932  37409239     PAX5 distal-enhancer-3
#> 60      chr9   37423010  37425279    GRHPR               TSS
#> 61     chr10  127578912 127591133    FANK1               TSS
#> 62     chr11    9595246   9599502     WEE1          intronic
#> 63     chr11   35156769  35164248     CD44               TSS
#> 64     chr11   60223385  60225310    MS4A1               TSS
#> 65     chr11   65190369  65192380    NEAT1             ncRNA
#> 66     chr11   65265237  65268359   MALAT1             ncRNA
#> 67     chr11  102188170 102190077    BIRC3               TSS
#> 68     chr11  111248078 111250224  POU2AF1               TSS
#> 69     chr11  128339774 128345731     ETS1           introns
#> 70     chr11  128388492 128394163     ETS1             TSS-2
#> 71     chr12   11796001  11812968     ETV6               TSS
#> 72     chr12   25204045  25213569     LRMP               TSS
#> 73     chr12   92537999  92539598     BTG1               TSS
#> 74     chr12  113492311 113497546     DTX1               TSS
#> 75     chr12  122456912 122464036    BCL7A               TSS
#> 76     chr13   46957278  46963342 C13orf18               TSS
#> 77     chr14   69257848  69259739  ZFP36L1               TSS
#> 78     chr14   94940587  94942549 SERPINA9               TSS
#> 79     chr14   96179535  96180366    TCL1A               TSS
#> 80     chr15   59658991  59671152    MYO1E               TSS
#> 81     chr16   10970795  10975465    CIITA               TSS
#> 82     chr16   11347512  11350007    SOCS1          intron-1
#> 83     chr16   27322895  27329423     IL4R               TSS
#> 84     chr16   85931918  85933977     IRF8               TSS
#> 85     chr17    3597616   3599572    P2RX5               TSS
#> 86     chr17   56407732  56410140  TSPOAP1        intergenic
#> 87     chr17   75424734  75440956    SEPT9        intronic-1
#> 88     chr17   75443766  75451177    SEPT9        intronic-2
#> 89     chr17   75453203  75471471    SEPT9        intronic-3
#> 90     chr17   79478289  79479959    ACTG1          intronic
#> 91     chr18   60796984  60814103     BCL2          intronic
#> 92     chr18   60982728  60988342     BCL2               TSS
#> 93     chr19   10340142  10341764    S1PR2               TSS
#> 94     chr19   16434978  16439011     KLF2               TSS
#> 95     chr19   19279635  19281441    MEF2B               TSS
#> 96     chr20   46128611  46138099    NCOA3               TSS
#> 97     chr20   49120482  49140477    PTPN1               TSS
#> 98     chr21   26934372  26937651 MIR155HG               TSS
#> 99     chr22   23229554  23232042    IGLL5               TSS
#> 100     chrX   12993308  12994511   TMSB4X          intronic
#> 101     chrX   48774756  48776255     PIM2               TSS
#>                  regulatory_comment                   regions
#> 1                              <NA>      chr1:6661482-6662702
#> 2                              <NA>    chr1:23885584-23885835
#> 3                              <NA>  chr1:150550814-150552135
#> 4                   active_promoter  chr1:203274698-203275778
#> 5                     weak_enhancer  chr1:226864857-226873452
#> 6                   active_promoter  chr1:226920563-226927885
#> 7                          enhancer  chr1:226921088-226927982
#> 8                   active_promoter    chr2:60773789-60783486
#> 9                          enhancer    chr2:96808901-96811913
#> 10                  active_promoter  chr2:111874854-111882174
#> 11                    weak_promoter  chr2:136874728-136875461
#> 12  active_promoter-strong_enhancer    chr3:16546433-16556786
#> 13                  active_promoter    chr3:32020518-32024930
#> 14                  active_promoter    chr3:71104986-71119518
#> 15                  active_promoter    chr3:71176427-71180960
#> 16                  active_promoter    chr3:71350633-71357665
#> 17                         intronic    chr3:71503103-71504870
#> 18                         intronic    chr3:71550753-71551478
#> 19                  active_promoter    chr3:71626341-71635648
#> 20                  active_promoter  chr3:101546669-101547704
#> 21                  active_promoter  chr3:101568239-101569274
#> 22  active_promoter-strong_enhancer  chr3:183269360-183274139
#> 23                  active_promoter  chr3:186739628-186740875
#> 24                  strong_enhancer  chr3:186782522-186784438
#> 25                             <NA>  chr3:187458526-187464632
#> 26                             <NA>  chr3:187771678-187801626
#> 27                             <NA>  chr3:187801627-187813568
#> 28                             <NA>  chr3:187813569-187955254
#> 29                             <NA>  chr3:187955255-187969220
#> 30                             <NA>  chr3:188377178-188401951
#> 31                             <NA>  chr3:188401952-188461879
#> 32                             <NA>  chr3:188461880-188474683
#> 33                             <NA>  chr3:188474684-188491248
#> 34                  active_promoter    chr4:40193105-40204231
#> 35                  active_promoter    chr5:88131209-88174373
#> 36                  active_promoter    chr5:88174374-88182243
#> 37                  active_promoter    chr5:88182244-88206620
#> 38                  active_promoter  chr5:131823933-131826458
#> 39                  active_promoter  chr5:149790977-149792349
#> 40                  active_promoter  chr5:158500476-158532769
#> 41                  active_promoter        chr6:390572-394093
#> 42  active_promoter-strong_enhancer    chr6:14118026-14120025
#> 43                         enhancer    chr6:31548325-31550717
#> 44                  active_promoter    chr6:37138104-37139804
#> 45                             <NA>    chr6:90981034-91016134
#> 46                  active_promoter  chr6:134487960-134499859
#> 47                             <NA>  chr6:159237903-159240216
#> 48                  active_promoter      chr7:5568297-5570856
#> 49                  strong_enhancer    chr8:11347723-11355318
#> 50                  active_promoter  chr8:128748352-128749427
#> 51                         intronic    chr9:37023396-37027663
#> 52                  active_promoter    chr9:37029849-37037154
#> 53                         intronic    chr9:37192080-37207549
#> 54                         intronic    chr9:37275952-37306152
#> 55                         intronic    chr9:37312655-37328260
#> 56                         intronic    chr9:37329706-37340398
#> 57                         enhancer    chr9:37369209-37372160
#> 58                         enhancer    chr9:37382267-37385854
#> 59                         enhancer    chr9:37395932-37409239
#> 60                  active_promoter    chr9:37423010-37425279
#> 61                  active_promoter chr10:127578912-127591133
#> 62                             <NA>     chr11:9595246-9599502
#> 63                  active_promoter   chr11:35156769-35164248
#> 64                  active_promoter   chr11:60223385-60225310
#> 65                         enhancer   chr11:65190369-65192380
#> 66                         enhancer   chr11:65265237-65268359
#> 67                  active_promoter chr11:102188170-102190077
#> 68                  active_promoter chr11:111248078-111250224
#> 69                         enhancer chr11:128339774-128345731
#> 70                  active_promoter chr11:128388492-128394163
#> 71                  strong_enhancer   chr12:11796001-11812968
#> 72                  active_promoter   chr12:25204045-25213569
#> 73                  active_promoter   chr12:92537999-92539598
#> 74                             <NA> chr12:113492311-113497546
#> 75                  poised_promoter chr12:122456912-122464036
#> 76                  active_promoter   chr13:46957278-46963342
#> 77                  active_promoter   chr14:69257848-69259739
#> 78                             <NA>   chr14:94940587-94942549
#> 79                  active_promoter   chr14:96179535-96180366
#> 80                             <NA>   chr15:59658991-59671152
#> 81  active_promoter-strong_enhancer   chr16:10970795-10975465
#> 82                         enhancer   chr16:11347512-11350007
#> 83                  active_promoter   chr16:27322895-27329423
#> 84                  active_promoter   chr16:85931918-85933977
#> 85                  active_promoter     chr17:3597616-3599572
#> 86                         enhancer   chr17:56407732-56410140
#> 87                  active_promoter   chr17:75424734-75440956
#> 88                  active_promoter   chr17:75443766-75451177
#> 89                  active_promoter   chr17:75453203-75471471
#> 90                             <NA>   chr17:79478289-79479959
#> 91                  strong_enhancer   chr18:60796984-60814103
#> 92                  active_promoter   chr18:60982728-60988342
#> 93                  active_promoter   chr19:10340142-10341764
#> 94                         intronic   chr19:16434978-16439011
#> 95                  active_promoter   chr19:19279635-19281441
#> 96                  active_promoter   chr20:46128611-46138099
#> 97                  active_promoter   chr20:49120482-49140477
#> 98                  active_promoter   chr21:26934372-26937651
#> 99                             <NA>   chr22:23229554-23232042
#> 100                 active_promoter    chrX:12993308-12994511
#> 101                 active_promoter    chrX:48774756-48776255
#>                       name
#> 1               KLHL21-TSS
#> 2                  ID3-TSS
#> 3            MCL1-intronic
#> 4            BTG2-intronic
#> 5           ITPKB-intronic
#> 6                ITPKB-TSS
#> 7           ITPKB-intron-1
#> 8               BCL11A-TSS
#> 9           DUSP2-intron-1
#> 10             BCL2L11-TSS
#> 11          CXCR4-intronic
#> 12               RFTN1-TSS
#> 13           OSBPL10-TSS-1
#> 14             FOXP1-TSS-4
#> 15             FOXP1-TSS-3
#> 16             FOXP1-TSS-2
#> 17         FOXP1-intron-1b
#> 18         FOXP1-intron-1a
#> 19             FOXP1-TSS-1
#> 20            NFKBIZ-TSS-1
#> 21            NFKBIZ-TSS-2
#> 22               KLHL6-TSS
#> 23           ST6GAL1-TSS-1
#> 24      ST6GAL1-intronic-1
#> 25                BCL6-TSS
#> 26               LPP-TSS-1
#> 27               LPP-TSS-2
#> 28               LPP-TSS-3
#> 29               LPP-TSS-4
#> 30          LPP-intronic-1
#> 31          LPP-intronic-2
#> 32          LPP-intronic-3
#> 33          LPP-intronic-4
#> 34                RHOH-TSS
#> 35             MEF2C-TSS-3
#> 36             MEF2C-TSS-2
#> 37             MEF2C-TSS-1
#> 38                IRF1-TSS
#> 39                CD74-TSS
#> 40                EBF1-TSS
#> 41                IRF4-TSS
#> 42                CD83-TSS
#> 43            LTB-intron-1
#> 44                PIM1-TSS
#> 45               BACH2-TSS
#> 46              SGK1-TSS-1
#> 47                 EZR-TSS
#> 48                ACTB-TSS
#> 49                 BLK-TSS
#> 50                 MYC-TSS
#> 51           PAX5-intron-1
#> 52              PAX5-TSS-1
#> 53         ZCCHC7-intron-4
#> 54         ZCCHC7-intron-2
#> 55         ZCCHC7-intron-3
#> 56         ZCCHC7-intron-1
#> 57  PAX5-distal-enhancer-1
#> 58  PAX5-distal-enhancer-2
#> 59  PAX5-distal-enhancer-3
#> 60               GRHPR-TSS
#> 61               FANK1-TSS
#> 62           WEE1-intronic
#> 63                CD44-TSS
#> 64               MS4A1-TSS
#> 65             NEAT1-ncRNA
#> 66            MALAT1-ncRNA
#> 67               BIRC3-TSS
#> 68             POU2AF1-TSS
#> 69            ETS1-introns
#> 70              ETS1-TSS-2
#> 71                ETV6-TSS
#> 72                LRMP-TSS
#> 73                BTG1-TSS
#> 74                DTX1-TSS
#> 75               BCL7A-TSS
#> 76            C13orf18-TSS
#> 77             ZFP36L1-TSS
#> 78            SERPINA9-TSS
#> 79               TCL1A-TSS
#> 80               MYO1E-TSS
#> 81               CIITA-TSS
#> 82          SOCS1-intron-1
#> 83                IL4R-TSS
#> 84                IRF8-TSS
#> 85               P2RX5-TSS
#> 86      TSPOAP1-intergenic
#> 87        SEPT9-intronic-1
#> 88        SEPT9-intronic-2
#> 89        SEPT9-intronic-3
#> 90          ACTG1-intronic
#> 91           BCL2-intronic
#> 92                BCL2-TSS
#> 93               S1PR2-TSS
#> 94                KLF2-TSS
#> 95               MEF2B-TSS
#> 96               NCOA3-TSS
#> 97               PTPN1-TSS
#> 98            MIR155HG-TSS
#> 99               IGLL5-TSS
#> 100        TMSB4X-intronic
#> 101               PIM2-TSS
#> Joining with `by = join_by(sample_id)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(start)`
#> Joining with `by = join_by(sample_id)`