Using GISTIC2.0 outputs, perform Fisher's exact test to compare CNV frequencies between 2 groups.
fdr.method = "fdr",
fdr.cutoff = 0.1,
text_size = 7,
blacklisted_regions = NULL
Path to the GISTIC2.0 all_lesions output file.
Data frame containing sample ids and column with annotated data for the 2 groups of interest. All other columns are ignored. Currently, function exists if asked to compare more than 2 groups.
Specify column annotating groups of interest.
FDR method to adjust p values. Uses p.adjust function, and therefore accepts its method for FDR ("holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"). By default, this function uses "fdr".
Specify FDR significance cut-off. By default, this function uses 0.1.
Size of the text on the forest plot of differentially enriched CNV. Default text-size is 7.
Optionally, specify any descriptors (value from column Descriptor
of GISTIC2.0 all_lesions output file) to filter out before any comparisons are done. It is possible to specify a list of multiple descriptors, for example, c("3p12.3", "12p13.2"). Default is NULL.
This function was developed to compare (Fisher's exact test) CNV frequencies between two groups.
To do so, set the path to the GISTIC2.0 all_lesions file with gistic_lesions
, together with a metadata table with the sample IDs of interest (metadata
The last remaining required parameter is comparison
, this parameter takes the name of the column annotating the groups of interest, e.g pathology, cohort, etc.
For more information on how to run this function, refer to the function examples and parameter descriptions.
if (FALSE) {
# basic usage
FtestCNV(gistic_lesions = "path_to_GISTIC2.0_output/all_lesions.conf_{confidence_level}.txt",
metadata = derived_data,
comparison = "pathology")
# advanced usage
FtestCNV(gistic_lesions = "path_to_GISTIC2.0_output/all_lesions.conf_{confidence_level}.txt",
metadata = derived_data,
comparison = "pathology",
fdr.method = "bonferroni",
fdr.cutoff = 0.05,
blacklisted_regions = c("3p12.3", "12p13.2"))