Tutorial: assemble feature matrix

In 2023, the Morin Lab developed a classifier of Follicular Lymphoma (FL) predictive of histological transformation to more aggressive DLBCL. This study was published in Blood (2023). How was the binary feature matrix assembled for that machine learning model?

In this quick tour we will show how GAMBLR.data resources can help you to generate such matrix.

# Load packages

This tutorial explores how to obtain metadata for the samples, simple somatic mutations in maf format, and auto-magically transform it into a binary matrix of features. To simplify this tutorial, we will only include a small subset of features (not the whole set as was used in the original paper), but this example will be able to illustrate the functionality and highlight the main steps of the process.

Obtain metadata

In the previous tutorial, we have already explored the function get_gambl_metadata(). In contrast, here we will use different approach as the metadata from the Supplemental Table 1 is direcly available in the object sample_data. Let’s retreive it:

metadata <- sample_data$meta

Now that we have the metadata, we can look at the available columns and find samples from the FL study:

# What are columns available?
 [1] "patient_id"           "sample_id"            "Tumor_Sample_Barcode"
 [4] "seq_type"             "sex"                  "COO_consensus"       
 [7] "lymphgen"             "genetic_subgroup"     "EBV_status_inf"      
[10] "cohort"               "pathology"            "reference_PMID"      
[13] "genome_build"         "pairing_status"       "age_group"           
[16] "compression"          "bam_available"        "pathology_rank"      
[19] "DHITsig_consensus"    "ffpe_or_frozen"       "fl_grade"            
[22] "hiv_status"           "lymphgen_cnv_noA53"   "lymphgen_no_cnv"     
[25] "lymphgen_with_cnv"    "lymphgen_wright"      "molecular_BL"        
[28] "normal_sample_id"     "time_point"          
# How can I find samples from the FL study?

       BL_Thomas     DLBCL_Arthur DLBCL_cell_lines     dlbcl_chapuy 
             234              153                5              233 
    DLBCL_Hilton      dlbcl_reddy    dlbcl_schmitz     DLBCL_Thomas 
             160              999              470               43 

We can now see that the samples from the FL study are in the cohort FL_Dreval. Let’s explore these samples more:

# Only filter for the samples from FL study
metadata <- metadata %>%
    filter(cohort == "FL_Dreval")


   21   209   213 

Now, let’s take 10 samples from the FL study: 5 FL and 5 DLBCL:

# Only filter for the samples from FL study
metadata <- metadata %>%
    filter(pathology %in% c("FL", "DLBCL")) %>%
    group_by(pathology) %>%
    arrange(sample_id) %>%
    slice_tail(n = 5) %>%

# How does our metadata looks like now?
tibble [10 × 29] (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)
 $ patient_id          : chr [1:10] "DO27833" "DO27851" "DO27853" "DO27855" ...
 $ sample_id           : chr [1:10] "SP59412" "SP59448" "SP59452" "SP59456" ...
 $ Tumor_Sample_Barcode: chr [1:10] "SP59412" "SP59448" "SP59452" "SP59456" ...
 $ seq_type            : chr [1:10] "genome" "genome" "genome" "genome" ...
 $ sex                 : chr [1:10] "M" "F" "M" "F" ...
 $ COO_consensus       : chr [1:10] "ABC" "GCB" NA "ABC" ...
 $ lymphgen            : chr [1:10] "Other" "Other" "BN2" "MCD-COMP" ...
 $ genetic_subgroup    : chr [1:10] "dFL" "dFL" "dFL" "dFL" ...
 $ EBV_status_inf      : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ cohort              : chr [1:10] "FL_Dreval" "FL_Dreval" "FL_Dreval" "FL_Dreval" ...
 $ pathology           : chr [1:10] "DLBCL" "DLBCL" "DLBCL" "DLBCL" ...
 $ reference_PMID      : num [1:10] 37084389 37084389 37084389 37084389 37084389 ...
 $ genome_build        : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ pairing_status      : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ age_group           : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ compression         : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ bam_available       : logi [1:10] NA NA NA NA NA NA ...
 $ pathology_rank      : num [1:10] NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
 $ DHITsig_consensus   : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ ffpe_or_frozen      : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ fl_grade            : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ hiv_status          : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ lymphgen_cnv_noA53  : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ lymphgen_no_cnv     : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ lymphgen_with_cnv   : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ lymphgen_wright     : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ molecular_BL        : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ normal_sample_id    : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...
 $ time_point          : chr [1:10] NA NA NA NA ...

Our subsetting worked and we can now proceed with matrix assembly.

Generate feature matrix

We will now use the metadata from the previous step to assemble the binary feature matrix.

Return the simple somatic mutations

First, lets return the data frame with simple somatic mutations in maf format and store it in a variable. Technically this step is not strictly necessary, as each function used below will be able to retreive it for you when the maf data is not provided, but we will advocate for good practice here and have the maf data stored in a designated variable. As we will be utilizing both coding and non-coding mutations, we will take advantage of returning the variants per sample (without necessarily restricting to coding-only variants).

# Obtain simple somatic mutations
maf <- get_ssm_by_samples(
    these_samples_metadata = metadata

Wow, that was super easy and blazing fast! Did it even work?? Let’s confirm:

# How many samples are present in maf?
[1] 10
# Are all these samples the ones we are interested in and requested with metadata?
sort(unique(maf$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)) == sort(metadata$Tumor_Sample_Barcode)
# What are the mutations in the maf? Are they just coding?

               3'Flank                  3'UTR                5'Flank 
                    29                     20                    127 
                 5'UTR        Frame_Shift_Del        Frame_Shift_Ins 
                    61                      7                      1 
                   IGR           In_Frame_Del                 Intron 
                    46                      2                   1502 
     Missense_Mutation      Nonsense_Mutation                    RNA 
                    78                      9                     15 
                Silent          Splice_Region            Splice_Site 
                    29                      6                      8 

We can see from the above outputs that we got somatic mutations for all requested samples and the maf contains both coding and non-coding variants. We can now proceed to the next steps.

Coding mutations as features

The feature matrix in the FL study contained coding mutation status at selected genes denoted as 1 when the mutation was present and 0 when there was no mutation. In addition to that, mutation hotspots at some genes were also taken into account. To complicate things more, annotation of hotspots was performed differently depending on the specific gene and mutational effect. Specifically, the CREBBP missemse mutations were considered hotspots when they occured in the KAT domain, but not outside of it. The mutations in FOXO1 were considered hotspots when the AA change was at M1. GAMBLR.data provides a one-stop shop to achieve this level of details out-of-the-box in a simple and convenient way with get_coding_ssm_status functions. It has a logical arguments include_hotspots to separate regular mutations from the ones occurring at hotspots, and review_hotspots, which will handle the specific cases we described above in an automated way. Both of these arguments are TRUE by default, so you do not need to toggle them separately, but in this exaple we will specify them explicitly just to illustrate that this will happen during the function call. To keep the example clean and concise, we will also annotate the mutation status only for a few of selected genes.

# Specify genes to annotate
our_genes <- c(
    "CREBBP", "MYD88", "RRAGC",
    "PIM1", "BCL2", "BCL6"

# Generate binary matrix
coding_matrix <- get_coding_ssm_status(
    gene_symbols = our_genes,
    these_samples_metadata = metadata,
    maf_data = maf,
    include_hotspots = TRUE,
    review_hotspots = TRUE

1    SP59412    1      1     0     0    0    0             0            0
2    SP59448    0      0     0     0    0    0             0            0
3    SP59452    1      0     0     1    1    0             0            0
4    SP59456    0      0     0     0    0    0             0            0
5    SP59460    0      0     0     0    1    1             0            1
6    SP59420    0      1     0     0    0    0             0            0
7    SP59424    0      0     0     0    0    0             1            0
8    SP59432    0      0     1     0    0    0             0            0
9    SP59436    0      1     0     0    0    0             0            0
10   SP59464    0      0     1     0    0    0             0            0

We can see that in this example there is only one sample with hotspot mutation in CREBBP, SP59424 (annotated as 1 in the column CREBBPHOTSPOT). Let’s sanity check this annotation for illustration purposes:

crebbp_hotspot_mutation <- maf %>%
        Tumor_Sample_Barcode == "SP59424",
        Hugo_Symbol == "CREBBP"
    ) %>%
    select(Chromosome, Start_Position, Variant_Classification)

   Chromosome Start_Position Variant_Classification
1:         16        3788650      Missense_Mutation

This mutation falls within KAT domain and is a missense variant, so it is indeed correct to be annotated as hotspot. How can we check it does fall within KAT domain? It is easy with GAMBLR.data:

# GAMBLR.data has the regions to be considered as hotspots
               chrom     start       end
CREBBP            16   3785000   3791000
EZH2               7 148508764 148506238
NOTCH1             9 139391455 139391455
NOTCH2             1 120459150 120459150
CD79B_trunc       17  62007172  62007172
CD79B_NONtrunc    17  62006800  62006800
# Now check that CREBBP mutations
    hotspot_regions_grch37["CREBBP", "start"],
    hotspot_regions_grch37["CREBBP", "end"]
[1] TRUE

We have now generated matrix of coding mutations and SSM hotspots in a binary format and are ready to proceed to the next step.

aSHM mutations as features

The FL study also annotated the non-coding mutations at selected aSHM targets as features of binary matrix. Again, all the necessarily means to do it in a simple step are provided by GAMBLR.data. The regions targeted by aSHM are available in the GAMBLR.data. Since they are always complemented with new regions once they are identified, the latest and most comprehensive version is always available by referring to {projection}_ashm_regions. However, this use case is a perfect exmple to demonstarate how to operate on versioned iterations of the aSHM target list, as the list has been updated since the time the study was published and at the time of publication version 0.2 was used. We can refer to it directly by the version number:

regions_bed <- somatic_hypermutation_locations_GRCh37_v0.2

  chr_name hg19_start  hg19_end    gene     region regulatory_comment
1     chr2   96808901  96811913   DUSP2   intron-1           enhancer
2    chr17   56407732  56410140 TSPOAP1 intergenic           enhancer
3    chr11  128339774 128345731    ETS1    introns           enhancer
4    chr11  128388492 128394163    ETS1      TSS-2    active_promoter
5     chr6   31548325  31550717     LTB   intron-1           enhancer
6     chr3   32020518  32024930 OSBPL10      TSS-1    active_promoter

We will perform some simple modifications to it to make our experience better and only select few regions for illustrative purposes:

our_regions <- c(

regions_bed <- regions_bed %>%
        name = paste(gene, region, sep = "-")
    ) %>%
        name %in% our_regions

  chr_name hg19_start  hg19_end    gene region regulatory_comment        name
1     chr3  187458526 187464632    BCL6    TSS               <NA>    BCL6-TSS
2    chr12  122456912 122464036   BCL7A    TSS    poised_promoter   BCL7A-TSS
3    chr14   69257848  69259739 ZFP36L1    TSS    active_promoter ZFP36L1-TSS
4     chr4   40193105  40204231    RHOH    TSS    active_promoter    RHOH-TSS

Now we can see whether or not there are any mutations within these regions:

ashm_matrix <- get_ashm_count_matrix(
    regions_bed = regions_bed,
    maf_data = maf,
    these_samples_metadata = metadata

SP59412        4           1         0        0
SP59448        6           4        14        3
SP59452       18           2        12       28
SP59456        2           6         0        9
SP59460        1           1         1        2
SP59420        1           0         1        0
SP59424        0           0         0        1
SP59432        0           0         0        0
SP59436        1           0         0        0
SP59464        1           0         0        0

We how calculated the number of mutations in each region for each sample. The original study used pathology-specific values per region to convert these counts to binary, but here we will use a cutoff of 5 to binarize these counts. We will also convert rownames to column so it will be easier for us to unite all matrices into single one at the later steps:

ashm_matrix[ashm_matrix <= 5] = 0
ashm_matrix[ashm_matrix > 5] = 1
ashm_matrix <- ashm_matrix %>%

1    SP59412        0           0         0        0
2    SP59448        1           0         1        0
3    SP59452        1           0         1        1
4    SP59456        0           1         0        1
5    SP59460        0           0         0        0
6    SP59420        0           0         0        0
7    SP59424        0           0         0        0
8    SP59432        0           0         0        0
9    SP59436        0           0         0        0
10   SP59464        0           0         0        0

We have now generated matrix of non-coding mutations in a binary format and are ready to unite all matrices together.

Unite into full feature matrix

We can now combine both coding and non-coding mutations into single matrix:

feature_matrix <- left_join(

1    SP59412    1      1     0     0    0    0             0            0
2    SP59448    0      0     0     0    0    0             0            0
3    SP59452    1      0     0     1    1    0             0            0
4    SP59456    0      0     0     0    0    0             0            0
5    SP59460    0      0     0     0    1    1             0            1
6    SP59420    0      1     0     0    0    0             0            0
7    SP59424    0      0     0     0    0    0             1            0
8    SP59432    0      0     1     0    0    0             0            0
9    SP59436    0      1     0     0    0    0             0            0
10   SP59464    0      0     1     0    0    0             0            0
1         0           0         0        0
2         1           0         1        0
3         1           0         1        1
4         0           1         0        1
5         0           0         0        0
6         0           0         0        0
7         0           0         0        0
8         0           0         0        0
9         0           0         0        0
10        0           0         0        0

That’s it!

Happy GAMBLing!

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